Document creator/forger Mark Hoffman in 1985 presenting and fooling the top Mormon clergy with fake
This is an image of the Spaniard, Hernando Cortes, slaying the Aztecs, and conquering Mexico.
The Discovery of the Holy Lance:
Expecting an attack from Russian cavalry – alert Japanese near Tehling, Manchuria – Russ
Petersburg, Virginia. Dead Confederate soldier Created /Published 1865 Apr. [3]
HENRI PHILIPPE HEIDEMANNS (1804-64) Nicholas I, (The last) Emperor of Russia (On his deathbed) (1796
Speaking Rifle, the Indian Slayer
Dutch Heraldry (16th century) Publisher unknown.
Rome, Italy. 1940-06-10.
Tarring and feathering Joseph Smith
Confederate dead on the battlefield
Collecting remains of the dead
The death of Major Peirson in the battle of Jersey. Engraving by A. Kessler after J.S. Copley. Cople
(The Spanish Conquistadors) Burning a Peruvian (alive) to make him tell where the gold is.
Some account of some of the bloody deeds of General (Andrew) Jackson
[[John Wilkes Booth in the morgue at Enid, 11 days after his death]]
Tasunka, (alias Plenty Horse[s]). The slayer of Lieut. Casey, near Pine Ridge, S.D.
The transfiguration of Christ
Excavators unearthing the remains of ancient Babylon – Contributor Names: Underwood & Unde
Brigham’s trial and trials : Summary: Page of cartoons of Brigham Young’s trial for poly