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“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny.”





A sale of English-beauties, in the East-Indies Author: James Gillray; William Holland; Gordon N Ray

Writer's picture: Emmanuel Isaiah SmithEmmanuel Isaiah Smith


Print shows a ship-load of English courtesans just arrived in Calcutta and being sold by an auctioneer who is probably intended to represent Mr. James Christie. The women are being inspected by Englishmen and orientals. The central figure is a bare breasted woman who gives her right hand to an Indian and her left hand to a stout Englishman, over whose head a little black boy holds a tall umbrella. Papers projecting from his pocket are inscribed ‘Instructions for the Governor General’. An oriental smoking a long pipe holds up the petticoats of a woman in back view who puts her hand on the shoulder of an elderly man wearing a jeweled turban. The middle distance is crowded with figures; an enormously fat woman is being weighed in a scale opposite a barrel inscribed ‘Lack of Rupees’ which she slightly outweighs. On the right is the side of a high warehouse into the door of which a number of weeping women are crowding. Over the door is inscribed, ‘Warehouse for unsaleable Goods from Europe NB: To be return’d by the next Ship’. In the foreground is a row of seven casks all inscribed ‘Leake’s Pills’; on them is a box inscribed ‘Surgeons Instruments’. The auctioneer stands on a case inscribed ‘British-Manufacture’ and decorated with crossed birch-rods. Beside it is a smaller case supposed to contain books and inscribed ‘For the Amusement of Military Gentlemen. Crazy Tales’; ‘Pucelle’; ‘Birchini’s Dance’; ‘Elements of Nature’; ‘Female Flagellants Fanny Hill’; ‘Sopha’; ‘Moral Tales’. The auctioneer’s desk is a bale placed on end and inscribed ‘Mrs. Phillips (the original inventor) Leicester Field London. For the use of the Supreme Council.’

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