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Gangstalking Information (REPOST)

Writer: Emmanuel Isaiah SmithEmmanuel Isaiah Smith
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Gangstalking is The Federally Directed Legalized Thuggery Method that has Permeated Every Crevice of the American Soceital Function.

Gangstalkers are a belligerent thug militia attack squadron with military warfare tactical functions.

The violent, pandering, hostile, maniacal, aggressive, and homicidal protocols embedded in gangstalking render its perpetrators as a government allied war agitator.

The physical, gestural, verbal, signaling, vehicular, and overall methods used in this post September 11, 2001 national security blunder are being covertly taught to men, women, and children throughout America. It is difficult to know who learns this American brand of Domestic Thuggery and how, but every American establishment, both public and private, have gangstalker militia thug perpetrators inside of them.

This program is not noble, forthright, feasible, or conducive to the advancement of American society in particular, or to human civilization in general. Rather it is a civil war instigation method, that pits the governmentally readied Domestic military thug units against private citizens who are the targeted individuals.

The gangstalkers are federally assisted by ground-level liaisons that give them covert verbal, gestural, vehicular, and other signals as to where targets are located so that other gangstalkers in the area can find and confront the targeted persons. This death panel authorization mechanism is rooted in coward theocratic and aloof, stupid, and inept governmental ideals.

The United States Congress is the root and cause of this anti-liberty brand of anti-constitutional Thuggery and should be impeached as a whole so as to remedy this political atrocity.




Gangstalkers, being the thugs that they are, are the cause of derived car accidents, violent street encounters, and deadly police encounters, all of which are used against targeted individuals as weapons. Derived vehicular containment against a targeted person, the mobilization of criminally insane street thugs, and phony 911 calls to local law enforcement officers are all weapons that gangstalkers use against a targeted individual. Because gangstalking is a world-wide catastrophe, these tragedies are happening in all four corners of the world. This federal buffoonery, this legislative thuggery, this political incompetence is enabled by a number of nitwits using signals with each other.

In the United States, a person is thrown into a legally and lawfully implement gangstalking campaign extrajudicially. There is no declared rhyme or reason for why a person is put into this campaign; there is no arrest, charge or conviction; there is no summons, legal proceeding, judge, lawyer, jury, courtroom, mediator, arbitrator, declaration of intent to penalize, no fines, receipts, notifications, prosecutor, hearing, phone call, email, communication from any governmental entity whatsoever; no habeas corpus, bail amount, bail period, notification, or any of the things that civilized governments do when they intent on initiating a criminal, civil, or other proceeding against a defendant. And that is what a targeted individual is, a perpetually guilty defendant in an earmarked, poorly implemented, inbred, foolish, wasteful, and

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constitution destroying national security measure, that was passed by stealth through post 9/11/2001 congresses,.

Signalling in Gangstalking -The military industrial complex.docx

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The military industrial complex, its fusion centers, and their combined influence on the federally directed street-stalking, thug mobilization mechanism, have permeated every crevice of local, state, and federal government, corporate America, Hollywood, the general American media, all of which are subjected to the calamitous national security protocol that the United States Congress, terrified and panick-stricken concerning the events of 9/11, foolishly, absentmindedly, and negligently passed and unleashed upon the world-at-large. The Congress of the United States have unleashed upon society a treasonous taxpayer funded thug mobilization unit called gangstalkers. And they use a system of physical and verbal signals with each other to locate, disrupt, obstruct, injure, and/or harass a targeted individual. -----------

Gangstalking is the DOD and/or DOJ'S application of these programs applied to private individual citizens instead of political dissident groups. In a gangstalking campaign against a targeted individual, you will see various forms of clandestine signaling/signals used by the stalkers against the targeted individual so that the stalkers will know who to mobilize against.

Gangstalking happens in all 50 States, and probably in other countries, particularly the ones where the United States of America wields the most influence... I assert that the United States has influenced similar pork barrelled, earmarked, and misappropriated national security protocols to be implemented in other countries' legal codes so as to have other countries in this control game with it.

Gangstalking is a military operation in conjunction with Department of Justice elements. Gangstalking is very expensive for the USA federal government to prosecute. It is a covert war against every targeted individual. It follows a targeted person 24-hours-a-day 7-days-a-week via vehicle, pedestrian and other personnel, GPS, street-corner and hidden camera surveillance, airplanes/spy-planes, boats and spy-boats, deputized civilians constantly sending signals concerning the targeted individual's whereabouts, interception of cellular phone pings, emails, text messages, phone calls, and voice mails, staying in constant contact using satellite, internet-based, cellular based, and human capital based means with various local, state, and federal law-enforcement and semi-law-enforcement auxiliaries concerning how to contain the targeted individual and etc.... Many of the participants of gangstalking including the law-enforcement and semi-law-enforcement elements do not know that they are participating in clandestine military industrial street-stalking and disruption protocols.

The military industrial complex is fed by the financial resources needed to perpetrate gangstalking campaigns against people. Gangstalking fills the void that the military industrial complex needs when all the world wars that the USA has involved itself in have ceased. Without gangstalking, the military industrial complex would be left twiddling its thumbs waiting on the next insanely profitable war effort that will line its coffers with American gold and silver.

The federally directed part of a gangstalking campaign, the administrative side of it, the part that is carried out and mobilized by the Department of Justice, the Department of Defense, Fusion Centers, and Private Security or Private Investigatory Firms, doesn't want the people participating in gangstalking to feel "bad," or "unsatisfied" about their disruptive activity.

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The federally directed harassment elements of gangstalking become apparent to stalker at some point in their use of the signals, verbal cues, vehicular cues, gross physical gesturing, and other tomfoolery, and the principal directors of gangstalking campaigns go through great lengths, using gangstalking's human capital, to make it appear as if the targeted individual is not really a "target" at all, but rather someone who is in league with the gangstalking, is ok with, it, welcomes it, approves of it, and has "business" with the people stalking him.

Gangstalking, the federally funded military industrial national security protocol that was poorly implemented and snuck through the United States Congress via earmarks is regional in nature.

Gangstalking was spread about the people like a deadly virus. Its hand signals, verbal commands, vehicular cues, and all of the covert communications methods that gangstalkers use to communicate with each other while locating and "pointing out" targeted individuals for harassment and instigation purposes, are federally directed military industrial protocols.

The kinds of people who will gangstalk you in Minnesota are a different socioeconomic demographic than the kinds of people who will target you in Hawaii. The kinds of people who will disrupt you in Oklahoma are different than the kinds of people that will obstruct you in Alabama. The kinds of people that will instigate against you in Washington, are different than the people who will vehicularly contain you in Montana.

The kinds of gangstalking tactics you will ecnounter as a targeted individual will slightly vary based upon where you are in the country, however the socioeconomic demographics of the people who will use these tactics against you will vary greatly depending where you are in the country.

Gangstalking is not a racially exclusive practice. Any socioeconomic demographic that an America belongs to can participate in gangstalking and every socioeconomic demographic that exists in the United States uses gangstalking tactics.

A targeted individual, throughout the course of his gangstalking campaign, runs into some of the most surly, disruptive, rude, obnoxious, careless, clumsy, disorderly, violent, thuggish, buffoonish, useless, hateful, belligerent, silly, deleterious thugs on the planet. These are the kinds of useful idiots that the United States federal government has “enlisted” to engage in the series of hand gestures, verbal cues, vehicular movements, and other “signals” that these unwanted foolish actors engage in to identify, subdue, and disrupt the targeted person.

Gangstalking is a military operation in conjunction with Department of Justice elements. Gangstalking is very expensive for the USA federal government to prosecute. It is a covert war against every targeted individual. It follows a targeted person 24-hours-a-day 7-days-a-week via vehicle, pedestrian and other personnel, GPS, street-corner and hidden camera surveillance, airplanes/spy-planes, boats and spy-boats, deputized civilians constantly sending signals concerning the targeted individual's whereabouts, interception of cellular phone pings, emails, text messages, phone calls, and voice mails, staying in constant contact using satellite, internet-based, cellular based, and human capital based means with various local, state, and federal law-enforcement and semi-law-enforcement auxiliaries concerning how to contain the targeted individual and etc.... Many of the participants of gangstalking including the law-enforcement and semi-law-enforcement elements do not know that they are participating in clandestine military industrial street-stalking and disruption protocols.

Gangstalking is one of these earmarks having been materialized. Gangstalking is obviously a civilian-based community "policing" citizen oriented community policing, "deputized" U.S. citizen, self-policing neighborhood type of protocol that allows United States citizens to act as their own "police" units. The result is a bunch of uncouth, knuckleheaded, surly, confused, violent, hostile, petty, loudmouthed, clumsy annoying fools going from place to place looking for people to use their ignorant, useless, thuggish, irritating "domination tactics" on, to see how the person reacts to them.

The earmarking of gangstalking was made possible by congressional representatives who sign off on national security legislation without reading the entirety of the legislation beforehand. The reason that congressional representatives do not read these bills from cover-to-cover is because these bills are anywhere from 4,000 to 10,000 pages in length. They simply don't have the time or the willpower to read the bill through.

In these lengthy draconian pieces of national security legislation, there are inserts that are not necessarily a part of the main political philosophy of the bill. These inserts are called "earmarks."

Earmarks are legalized along with the main portion of the bill even though most United States politicians do not review them. These earmarks could literally be authorizing anything, including crimes like gangstalking and no-one, even the president of the United States, would ever see them.

The military industrial complex is a system of purchases (trillions of dollars per-decade) made by the United States federal government to aerospace, defense, and military equipment manufacturing firms. These payments are in exchange for military equipment such as F-16 helicopters F-22 Raptor fighter jets, army tanks, stealth bombers, RPGs, M-16 assault rifles, grenade launchers, cluster bombs, nuclear warheads, body armor, Kevlar, military uniforms, Naval destroyers, satellite and communication systems, radio communication modules, information systems and database management systems, ammunition, mortar and related munitions, elephant knives and similar pointed objects, army bases and facilities, naval aircraft carriers and facilities, air-force bases and facilities, demolition equipment, boot camp training modules, recruiting protocols, test-taking mechanisms and test-score storage modules, global positioning system protocols and equipment, architectural and base-building costs, transportation, military police and related protocols, military lawyers, payments made out for lawsuits, military jailing and incarceration holding facilities and related costs, maintenance of military websites and related world-wide-web presences, the production and marketing of Department of Defense related merchandise, training modules for terrestrial, aircraft, and naval vehicles, DOD recreational and extracurricular on-base activities, commercial advertising and marketing for television, radio, and online recruiting methods, stingray and other location devices, the acquisition and retention of plain-clothes operatives and confidential informants, electronic and communication-based information technology monitoring systems are all a part of of the military industrial complex. Various firms throughout the country sell these equipment and technological items to the United States Federal government in the interest of "national security."

The military industrial complex is a part of the "war industry." The government does long term contracts with manufacturers of these military industrial items. The taxpayer pays for these war machines whether the United States is at war or not. The firms that profit from these contracts with the USA federal government, profit the same way that any for-profit company profits. The more revenues that these military industrial firms raise, the more profits, and the more profits, the more money in the pockets of those commandeering the military industrial ship.

The Street Theater Themes that are Present in Gangstalking : The United States’ Thug Mob and Buffoonish War against its Citizens:::::

In the USA’s clandestine legislative thuggery and imbecile militia mob, (presently known as gangstalking)—there is a mechanism called street theater. Street theater is a way of presenting information to a targeted individual concerning a specific matter. The matter can be anything, and yes, everybody around the targeted individual sees the spectacle as well. The peculiarity about street theater is that only the targeted individual will “get” or understand the significance of the spectacle. This spectacle is aimed at the targeted individual’s perception of his gangstalking campaign specifically.

The targeted individual’s exact location is mathematically calculated using military stratagem and military industrial quality formation mechanisms which are executed by stalkers who have taken cues and signals from their liaisons. As the targeted person travels via foot, bicycle, boat, or vehicle, the stalkers are in motion in his vicinity from the north, south, east, and west. The target’s distance from the stalkers as well as his speed and g The targeted individual’s exact location is mathematically calculated using military stratagem and military industrial quality formation mechanisms which are executed by stalkers who have taken cues and signals from their liaisons. As the targeted person travels via foot, bicycle, boat, or vehicle, the stalkers are in motion in his vicinity from the north, south, east, and west. The target’s distance from the stalkers as well as his speed and general direction traveled are gathered by federally authorized liaisons. The stalkers watch for signals and cues from the liaisons. As the target reaches a certain point, the stalkers move in a The targeted individual’s exact location is mathematically calculated using military stratagem and military industrial quality formation mechanisms which are executed by stalkers who have taken cues and signals from their liaisons.

Mind you, my comments on gang-stalking is wholly based upon my personal experiences, the application of historical narratives and events, and simply plain common sense about the mechanisms that must be present in order for gangstalking to operate.

Gangstalking is a social engineering and personal disruption protocol. I believe wholeheartedly that gangstalking persists in local, state, and federal capacities.

Gangstalking is jurisdictionless which means it is federal. It incorporates military/industrial grade stratagem, surveillance, and containment maneuvers.

Who becomes a target is based on a points system which aggregates a person's vital statistics against their living arrangements, parental and/or family or extended family information, household income, public and private records, academic attainment, hobbies and recreational activities, perceived IQ, marital information, Internet activities, juvenile experiences, word-of-mouth stories, and more. When the totality of these factors is summed, a score is generated. Certain scores will "determine" whether a person will be pro social, antisocial, prone to criminal activity, academically successful, poor, wealthy, betrothed, single, a "patriot," a dissident, able to reach an "old" age or not, fit, unhealthy, prone to mental health problems, and more.

People like me, who at some point underwent this investigatory analysis, and were rated as "dangerous," become targeted individuals.

The stalkers are easy for a seasoned targeted person to identify.

Communication is key to the eradication of the program.

The cause is inadequate vetting of congressional legislation by Congress. Every word of every bill (especially national security bills,) should be tightly vetted for outrageous or unconstitutional inserts.

The President of the United States should have the power of the line-item-veto. This ensures presidential involvement in every bill.

The Military Industrial Complex is the beneficiary of gangstalking.

The United States of America has violently and thuggishly attacked its own citizens through it gangstalking harassment and subversion protocol.

There are gangstalking protocols being practiced in the DOJ and the DOD.

The United States Military has been sidetracked by these legislative acts of buffoonish tomfoolery.

Gangstalkers are dumb, nitwitted, psychopathic numbskulls.

Gangstalking is a botched national security measure.

Gangstalking's auspices are thuggish.

Through gangstalking, The United States Federal Government has sanctioned organized disease spreading and sickness generation.

The very nature, cause and mechanism of gangstalking requires time, experience, vigilance, observation, trial-and-error, research, and insight to decode; this is by design. Gangstalking was put over on the American public by stealth; namely, through stealthily inserted national security earmarks particularly post-9/11/2001. The goal was simple, a government-run population control and social engineering experiment passing itself off as everyday public responses, behavior, actions and reactions, with the intent to achieve the American dream. This program was rooted in deception, money laundering, political manipulation, stealth legislation in 5,000 paged bills, indifference, apathy, hateful vindictiveness, natural bias and ignorance, defective reasoning, covert thuggery, and death by causation aims. The relationship between a government and its citizens is an implied contract. A government only has power over its citizens if they consent to that power; this is why the “consent of the governed” is a central tenet in the United States Constitution. Gangstalking is opportunistic by its creation. Post 09/11/2001 people generally didn’t know much about terrorism, the American war on terror, national security, surveillance, or the forfeiture of ones rights to advance national security political protocols. This gap in national awareness was the entry point for clandestine community harassment programs like gangstalking to be born. Gangstalking is a mobile gulag, a secret pogrom, and a constitution rendering juggernaut. America is not a democracy, neither is it a constitutional republic; I would hate to see other countries, particularly those “allied” with America to allow similar thuggishly conceived measures such as gangstalking to permeate and destroy their political makeup as is the case in this country.


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Micronation : The Eternal Empire of Soltron :  The Official State Flag of the Soltronian Empire : Emmanuel Isaiah Smith is the Imperator Rex, Antiochus Epiphanes, and Sole Emperor of the empire. Its territory encompasses Central and Southern Florida, and was established on 01/17/2022. #Emperor
Micronation : The Eternal Empire of Soltron :  The Official State Flag of the Soltronian Empire : Emmanuel Isaiah Smith is the Imperator Rex, Antiochus Epiphanes, and Sole Emperor of the empire. Its territory encompasses Central and Southern Florida, and was established on 01/17/2022. #Emperor

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