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Local Gangstalking Terminology [Repost w/Tags]

Writer's picture: Emmanuel Isaiah SmithEmmanuel Isaiah Smith

: Synchronization, Synchronized Vehicular Obstruction of Movement, Email interception, text message interception, cellular ping interception, Synchronized public service vehicles, biological attacks, germ warfare, food contamination, the attempted murder mechanism, the murder by proxy mechanism, computer hacking, cellular device hacking, burglary, breaking-and-entering, cable television interception, gaslighting, noise harassment, derived provocations, repeat stalkers, animal harassment, biohazard exposure, synchronized obstruction of movement, synchronized space crowding, vehicular damage, derived traffic tickets, vandalism of one’s home, robbery, aggravated assault, assault with a deadly weapon, poor legal representation, poor medical care, fake 911 calls, derogatory records, derogatory record keeping, COINTELPRO, Operation Hoodwink, Open-air terrorism, domestic terrorism, pork barrel projects, earmarks, misappropriation of taxpayer resources, interception of internet uploads, social media blacklisting, shadow banning, cyber trolling, cyber attacks, simple theft, destruction of clothing, intentional disease exposure, door-to-door salesman harassment, cyber stalking, scent harassment, rigged stoplights, provocations and instigation in parking lots, damage to electronics, destruction of personal property, inheritance robbing, divorce instigation, the instigation of marital infidelity, mail tampering, derived mail theft, bank account tampering, jewelry theft, personal property theft, the deletion of reservations [ bus, plane, restaurant ], derived placebo medications [ for pain etc…], collisions [ automobile and pedestrian ],

sex harassment, excessive spam and junk mail, wrong mail deliveries, religious institution sabotage [ at church, seminary,  Sunday school etc ], excessive visits from door-to-door churches, animal sickness [if the targeted person has a pet]  code word harassment, strangers [ saying the target’s name ] in the streets, malls, stores, etc so the TI can hear it. Contaminated OTC medication, Contaminated prescription medication, hostile beachgoers [at the beach] derived police encounters [from fake 911 calls and instigated police attention], provocations and 911 calls, intellectual property theft, copyright infringement, congressional intrigue, congressional bill inserts, legislative bribery, illbred religious references by stalkers, hostile street beggars, hostile and annoying stalker-children,

Synchronization, Synchronized Vehicular Obstruction of Movement, Email interception, text message interception, cellular ping interception, Synchronized public service vehicles, biological attacks, germ warfare, food contamination, the attempted murder mechanism, the murder by proxy mechanism,  computer hacking, cellular device hacking, burglary, breaking-and-entering, cable television interception, gaslighting, noise harassment, derived provocations, repeat stalkers, animal harassment, biohazard exposure, synchronized obstruction of movement, synchronized space crowding, vehicular damage, derived traffic tickets, vandalism of one’s home, robbery, aggravated assault, assault with a deadly weapon, poor legal representation, poor medical care, fake 911 calls, derogatory records, derogatory record keeping, COINTELPRO, Operation Hoodwink, Open-air terrorism, domestic terrorism, pork barrel projects, earmarks, misappropriation of taxpayer resources, interception of internet uploads, social media blacklisting, shadow banning, cyber trolling, cyber attacks, simple theft, destruction of clothing, intentional disease exposure, door-to-door salesman harassment, cyber stalking, scent harassment, rigged stoplights, provocations and instigation in parking lots, damage to electronics, destruction of personal property, inheritance robbing, divorce instigation, the instigation of marital infidelity, mail tampering, derived mail theft, bank account tampering, jewelry theft, personal property theft, the deletion of reservations

#cybertrolling #scentharassment #poormedicalcare #fake911calls #animalharassment #synchronizedspacecrowding #burglary #derogatoryrecordkeeping #earmarks #interceptionofinternetuploads #porkbarrelprojects #doortodoorsalesmanharassment #Synchronizedpublicservicevehicles #biologicalattacks #robbery #vehiculardamage #intentionaldiseaseexposure #personalpropertytheft #simpletheft #bankaccounttampering #cabletelevisioninterception #synchronizedobstructionofmovement #biohazardexposure #Openairterrorism #cellularpinginterception #mailtampering #themurderbyproxymechanism #domesticterrorism #FoodContamination #cellulardevicehacking #SynchronizedVehicularObstructionofMovement #OperationHoodwink #misappropriationoftaxpayerresources #vandalismofoneshome #derogatoryrecords #poorlegalrepresentation #cyberstalking #destructionofpersonalproperty #Emailinterception #divorceinstigation #thedeletionofreservations #computerhacking #aggravatedassault #textmessageinterception #assaultwithadeadlyweapon #derivedprovocations #derivedtraffictickets #destructionofclothing #provocationsandinstigationinparkinglots #derivedmailtheft #gaslighting #damagetoelectronics #breakingandentering #COINTELPRO #GermWarfare #theinstigationofmaritalinfidelity #Synchronization #riggedstoplights #jewelrytheft #inheritancerobbing #socialmediablacklisting #cyberattacks #shadowbanning #theattemptedmurdermechanism #noiseharassment #repeatstalkers

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