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“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny.”





Notes on Gang-stalking V2.

Writer's picture: Emmanuel Isaiah SmithEmmanuel Isaiah Smith

Nuclear explosives testing at Bikini Atoll

Gangstalking is not exactly what its title sounds like. It is a vast, multi-layered, campaign styled co-op that is a clandestine, semi-militant militia operation that operates as a source of subversion, a constant danger, and disruption to its target, otherwise known as a targeted individual. This program seeks to recruit people who are likely to act in blind obedience to serve as its gangstalkers. This covert population control operation operates in NATO countries and presents itself as something other than a hate-crime and a depopulation protocol. The true progenitors of gangstalking can be traced back to the late 19th-century. During the American Reconstruction period (1863-77), terrorist groups like the Ku-Klux-Klan, the Knights of the White Camelia, the Red-Shirts, and the White League conducted open-air, community based, police supervised harassment programs, mostly against freedmen and their supporters. Later, similar programs that were initiated in the 1960s and 70s, such as the CIA and FBI programs MK-Ultra and COINTELPRO (Operation Hoodwink,) used the tradition and the blueprint that was started by the reconstruction era terrorist groups to systematically disrupt the New Ku-Klux-Klan, the New Left, the Hippie Movement, the Black Panthers, dissident Puerto-Rican groups, and Pro-communism elements that existed here in the United States. The CIA and FBI have since disavowed the above mentioned programs. In the 1980s and 90s, the U.S. military, along with the FBI, ATF, U.S. Marshalls, and similar federal law-enforcement groups developed tracking and subversion methods that bore mirror-like similarities to the aforementioned disruption programs, namely, to apprehend violent criminals, and terrorists. Gangstalking began as a covert operation, but like its progenitors, it will soon be exposed and eradicated. Nowadays, gangstalking is perpetrated either knowingly or unknowingly by governmental, corporate, and religious elements, including Fusion Centers and private security firms. Based on my research, experiences and beliefs, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, a proven racketeering and espionage entity, with a presence in 161 countries, incorporates the use of hired and non-hired thugs, goons, and derelicts, to harass people. This church has a past that is riddled with racial controversies, and is a major culprit in the gangstalking practice, up to and including murders and assassinations. I believe that this institution uses covert tracking, subversion, espionage, assassination, and other means of manipulating society as a way of artificially and fraudulently sustaining itself as executing God’s will upon the earth and believes it is always correct in its above-the-law actions. On this channel, I focus on capturing live interactions between myself and the gangstalkers themselves, mostly in the way of me capturing their synchronized (vehicular and otherwise) obstruction of my movements, as well as synchronized public-service vehicles and personnel, and intrusive space-crowding in synchronized units against me as I move about. Please be informed that gangstalking does not stop at the street level. Biological attacks and biological warfare, the constant containment of the target, animal harassment, workplace mobbing, burglary and vandalism, food contamination, forced police encounters, illegal search and seizure, street violence, vehicular harassment, scent harassment, noise harassment, the exposure of the target to contagious diseases, computer and account hacking, illegal and highly abusive uses of corporate and governmental systems, software, registries, and databases, systemic destruction of interpersonal relationships, slander and character defamation, and other horrifying components make up this program. The discrediting of the targeted individual by endlessly calling him deranged, crazy, or insane, and using programs such as the involuntary probate mechanism or the “Baker Act” against the target to discredit his psychological state, ability to reason, and general capacity to connect the dots are extremely common. Internet stalkers which include cyber-stalkers, internet “trolls,” and the like are endlessly mobilized against the target with the sole aim of vandalizing his webpages with useless comments in order to subvert his message. Furthermore, based on my research, the “scorched earth” policy, a war tactic which was banned under the 1977 Geneva Conventions, is used against the targeted individual, turning his very surroundings, be they human, animal, consumable, vehicular, electronic, legal, utility, or appliance, into weapons against him. Due to limitations in my present personal situation, I can only document street interactions, which still display many of the above mentioned gangstalking tactics. Visit the following official U.S.A. government, and Wikipedia links for information on similar programs that have existed in the United States, namely the activities of the Ku-Klux-Klan, the Knights of the White Camelia, and the White League, as well as COINTELPRO and MK-Ultra, all of which are the progenitors to gangstalking. The Ku-Klux-Klan : The Knights of the White Camelia : The Red-Shirts : The White League : COINTELPRO : Operation Hoodwink :…/cointel-pro-hoodwink-part-01-o…/view MK-Ultra :…/docume…/cia-rdp90-00965r000100150073-8 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints : Article 1 : The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints : Article 2 : The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints : Article : 3 : Sincerely, Your host, Emmanuel Isaiah Smith (E. I. Smith)

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Micronation : The Eternal Empire of Soltron :  The Official State Flag of the Soltronian Empire : Emmanuel Isaiah Smith is the Imperator Rex, Antiochus Epiphanes, and Sole Emperor of the empire. Its territory encompasses Central and Southern Florida, and was established on 01/17/2022. #Emperor

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