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“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny.”





Writer's pictureEmmanuel Isaiah Smith

The 25th Anniversary of the Oklahoma City Bombing


The Oklahoma City Bombing was remembered a few months ago, namely, for its 25 year anniversary. On 04/19/1995, Timothy McVeigh and a couple of cohorts, who helped remotely, in a textbook act of domestic terrorism, blew up the Alfred P. Murrah building in downtown Oklahoma City. 168 people were killed including several young children. McVeigh was executed by the State approximately six years later, and his accomplices were incarcerated.

In a time were there is concern and uncertainty about the Coronavirus, anxiety and excitement about the upcoming presidential elections, as well as a number of other political and social topics dominating news headlines, it can be easy to overlook the anniversary of events such as the Oklahoma City Bombing which was the worst pre-9/11 act of terrorism that this country has ever seen.

For an elegant, readable, and visually appealing article on the Oklahoma City Bombing, its aftermath, and its anniversary, visit the ABC news link below and search "OKC Bombing 25th Anniversary."

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