Title: The bloody massacre perpetrated in King Street Boston on March 5th 1770 by a party of the 29th Regt. / engrav’d, printed & sold by Paul Revere, Boston.
Creator(s): Revere, Paul, 1735-1818, artist
Date Created/Published: Boston : Printed by Paul Revere, [1770, printed later]
Medium: 1 print : engraving.
Summary: Print shows British troops firing on a group of citizens on a street in Boston, Massachusetts, with the Royal Custom House known as “Butcher’s Hall” on the right, the First Church and Town House in the background. Some of the wounded are being carried away from the scene, others lie in the street. Includes 18 lines of verse and a list of those killed and wounded.
Reproduction Number: LC-DIG-ppmsca-19159 (digital file from original item)
Rights Advisory: No known restrictions on publication.
Call Number: PGA – Revere (P.)–Bloody massacre perpetrated … (B size) [P&P]
Repository: Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA
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